Event Details

Provision Packs 7th Annual Backpack Bash
Start: Saturday, September 23rd 2023 at 6:00 PM
End: Saturday, September 23rd 2023 at 10:00 PM
3600 FL-40, Ormond Beach, FL
7th Annual Backpack Bash on September 23, 2023 at Forever Ranch!
Food, Drinks, Outdoor Games, Silent Auctions, Live Music from local favorite HAYFIRE and SO MUCH MORE!
Provision Packs is a 501(C)(3) that provides well balanced nutritional food for children on the weekend, and extended breaks during the school year. Our goal, through these packs, is to offer support and to relieve some of their burdens. Most importantly, we hope that these packs provide the blessing of nutrition, and bring comfort to the children of Ormond Beach and Holly Hill so that our youth can focus on their academics and become healthy, successful young adults.